During the 2020 edition of the Aporta Challenge, organized by the Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformarion, the GSIC-EMIC research group achieved the third position with the EducaWood project.
EducaWood, developed in collaboration with the Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Gestión Forestal Sostenible (iuFOR) by Jimena Andrade, Guillermo Vega, Miguel L. Bote, Juan I. Asensio, Irene Ruano, Felipe Bravo and Cristóbal Ordóñez. EducaWood is a socio-semantic web portal that allows to explore forestry information with the Spanish territory and to enrich it with additional annotations. Teachers can propose environmental learning activities that are contextualized with their surroundings. These activities can be performed by learners during field trips with annotations related to the trees (location, species, measurements, etc.) with their mobile devices. Beyond that, Educawood lets learners perform virtual trips and perform activities remotely with the available information and the annotations provided by the community.